Revamp Your Home for the Golden Years: Renovations for Seniors Aging in Place

As we age, our homes may need to be more suitable for our changing needs. While many seniors opt to move into assisted living facilities or nursing homes, others prefer to stay in their homes for as long as possible. Aging in place can be an excellent option for seniors who want to maintain their independence and keep the memories they've made in their homes.

You don't need expensive or time-consuming projects to turn your existing home into a senior-friendly one. Here are efficient and affordable ways to do renovations to make aging in place more accessible, safer, and more comfortable.

Add Ramps and Non-Slip Surfaces

Slipping is a common accident for seniors, so you must equip your home with non-slip surfaces. If you have stairs at your front entrance, you may consider adding a ramp to make it accessible for wheelchairs and walkers. You can add non-slip surfaces to tile, wooden floors, and bathtubs. You also have the option to add non-skid mats or carpet runners in the hallways for a more secure grip.

Install Grab Bars in the Bathroom and Shower

Bathrooms can be especially hazardous for seniors due to slippery surfaces. Grab bars should be placed near the toilet, bathtub, and shower to provide support and stability when getting up or down. Consider adding a handheld shower head and raising the toilet seat, which can help make bathing and using the restroom easier for older adults. Look for walk-in showers with grab bars and benches to provide extra support.

Consider a Walk-in Tub

Walk-in tubs provide seniors with a safe and comfortable environment while bathing and won't require much stepping over. It also helps ease the need to stretch or strain when getting in and out of the tub. Maintenance of a walk-in tub is about the same as a regular tub. On the downside, some walk-ins require the bather to wait inside the tub for it to fill.

Reorganize the Kitchen

The kitchen is integral to any home and needs to be tailored to suit seniors' needs. Your refrigerator, oven, and other necessary cooking appliances should all be within an easy-to-reach height. You can place items you will frequently use in lower cabinets or drawers to avoid straining or falling. Invest in a microwave with voice commands or motion sensors if you can. 

Repurpose Rooms

If your home has a lot of extra space, consider repurposing them to make aging in place easier. Convert your spare bedroom into an office, home gym, or even a small library for more activity options. You can turn your den or living room into a bedroom if you ever need to move to the ground floor.

Provide Easy Ground-floor access

Stairs can be difficult and dangerous for seniors, so ensuring they have easy access to the ground floor is essential. If possible, adding a wheelchair lift will make it easier to go up and down the stairs or build an elevator. Make sure all doors on the main level are wide enough for wheelchairs and walkers.

Final Thoughts

Renovations to your home can be a great way to make aging in place more manageable and safer. By making simple changes, you can help seniors feel comfortable and secure in their own homes. Start by taking on small projects and see what works best for your needs and budget. With the right renovations, you can rest easy and enjoy the golden years of life!