5 Undeniable Reasons to Renovate Your Bathroom

So, you’ve decided to do some renovations in your home: new kitchen countertops, new entryway flooring, new fireplace. But there's just something not quite complete about it all. You keep returning to the one room you've been avoiding all this time: the bathroom.

It's not that you don't love your bathroom; but it has seen better days. The truth is, your bathroom likely needs a makeover more than any other room in your house. Here are five reasons why giving it a facelift makes sense.

1 . Increase your home’s resale value

If you're planning on selling your home, taking the time (and money) to renovate your bathroom will be well worth it. Bathrooms, especially small bathrooms, are more susceptible to damage from moisture and degrading materials than even a kitchen due to the generally smaller space. Exhaust fans that aren’t robust enough or don’t get turned off after showers can little by little be allowing bacteria and mold to flourish. If a complete renovation isn’t necessary, a new shower installation, vanity or pedestal sink might just give your bathroom the lift it needs to appeal to a prospective buyer. If you agree, you’re not alone. Houzz.com reported that in 2022, no less than 51% of bathroom renovations increased the size of the shower, and 45% changed the layout of the bathroom.

2. Increase your comfort level

If you’re not planning to sell, then renovate your bathroom for you. No one likes taking a shower with outdated fixtures and peeling paint. You might just be so used to looking at your bathroom in that condition that you don’t even notice anymore. But a bathroom makeover can not only update the bathroom, but how you feel going into it every morning too. Think how much better you’ll feel after making the bathroom a room you enjoy spending time in. Plus, you're guaranteed fewer issues with leaks and mold when everything is new and up-to-date.

3. Adapt to changing needs

walk-in shower renovation

As a bachelor, you were just fine with a stand-up show in the bathroom, and had no need for a tub. But now the engagement is on and your bride-to-be wants to be able to relax in a nice hot bubble bath once in a while. Rather than completely moving house (throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak), a bathroom renovation can add the new functionality you need for your growing family. At the other end of the timeline, aging parents may have little use for a tub-shower arrangement and prefer a walk-in tub or walk-in shower. And in between those two, families have all kinds of changing needs that a renovation can address, even for a small bathroom.

4. Be more energy-efficient

If the fixtures and pipelines have existed since your grandparents were youngsters, then it might be time for an update. Newer bathroom fixtures are often more energy-efficient than older models. Upgrading to a low-flow shower head can save you up to 750 gallons of water each month. Not only does this help the environment, but it can also lead to lower utility bills.

5. Increase the safety of your home

Old bathroom tiles can become a safety hazard. Mold and mildew can build up over time and actually become a health hazard as many people are allergic to mold. And if you have kids or more senior family members living with you, this is even more of a reason to renovate. Slipping and falling in the bathroom is one of the most common accidents in the home. But by replacing old, cracked tiles and adding slip-resistant flooring, you can help prevent these accidents. If you think mold and mildew might be a problem in your current bathroom, it’s best to address it sooner rather than later. If you catch it early, the extent of the renovation can be minimized, along with the cost. If not, you could be looking at completely gutting the room, possibly even replacing walls.

 After considering your options, it's time to plan. Researching and taking the time for this saves you money and headaches in the long run. It would also work best to hire trustworthy and experienced renovations contractor to lessen the burden of your bathroom makeover while ensuring that the job is done right.

 So, if you need the best people to assist you in giving old dingy bathrooms a new lease on life, schedule a consultation with us today.