How to curate a work from home space that works for you


With secure cloud and team communication softwares, working from home has been gaining popularity with employees over the last several years. Now that a global pandemic has been thrown into the mix, immediate office closures forced employers who were reluctant to encourage working from home in the past, to quickly adapt. 

Recent studies show that employees that work from home actually have a higher productivity level than those who work in-office, resulting in about three more weeks of work per employee, per year. While organization and planning methods play a role in productivity, it’s important to ensure that your space is working with you, and not against you. Now that major offices including Twitter have decided to stay remote, despite being able to reopen, it’s likely that others will follow suit. 

Here are three ways to curate your work space for increased productivity. 

1. Separate your workspace from your recreation space!


The number one rule of working from home is: Don’t ever work from your bed! This tip goes hand in hand with that concept, basically ensuring you don’t cloud your recreation time with your work mindset or vice versa. Even if you don’t have enough space in your home for a dedicated office, installing small, dedicated desk corners in your living room is a great alternative. This way, when you incorporate breaks or put away your workload for the day, you can be sure to switch off and come back with fresh perspectives when you return.

2. Keep your space bright!

Natural light makes you feel good, and lets you know what time to put down the laptop. It also regulates your sleep schedule, and employees with better sleep habits produce better work. Working in a dungeon without natural light, brings on gloomy feelings and limits worker productivity. Bright spaces also generally sell for higher prices, so installing better and brighter windows is always a good call. 

3. Organize as if your boss is watching! 

Ensuring you have ample space for everything you need for your work day helps to keep your workspace organized. Better organization leads to higher productivity levels, as you always know where to reach for your tools! Installing shelving and other organizational furniture can keep your workspace tidy, and your resources easily accessible.