Shower Accessibility Renovation

This project is part of an on-going retrofit for Housing BC for a homeowner with limited mobility. The owner has fallen before while exiting the previously existing shower, so we started by replacing the old unit with an updated (and safer) shower.

Making it safe.

We removed existing fixtures to gain and repaired flooring issues by reinforcing floor joists.

Next, a new shower pan was installed with DensSheild around it; followed by a sealing treatment with Red Guard, a paint on waterproof membrane.

Fresh drywall was installed, mudded and taped.

Next Steps.

The next steps will be to primer all exposed drywall, and apply new paint.

This is only the first step in an ongoing project…


Visit Housing BC to learn more about available grants and support or advice for home improvements.

Do you have a bathroom renovation in mind? We’d love to hear from you.